
That Which Has Been Lost – The Basics Part One

My latest piece ” That Which Has Been Lost – The Basics Part One” has been published on the Midnight Freemasons website.  I hope you will check it out and please share it on your social media.

Not long ago I was speaking to a Brother. We were on the subject of the differences between lodge meetings today versus what Masonic lodges were like a century ago.  The during the discussion the Brother asked me what I believed caused the change.  Honestly, I had never given the subject much thought.

Over the last few weeks, I began to come up with a theory on how we got to where we are today.  If you will notice I use the word theory.  There is no scholarly research into the subject, just what my gut tells me how things changed.  In a way, this theory not only made me realize why we might have such a division between the several generations of men who comprise a Masonic lodge and Freemasonry in total.

I believe if we are going to change how lodges are run we are going to have everyone sit down and have a discussion.  Not anger or lectures on how things used to dine but all sides laying out their beliefs and their wants, much like management and union members hammering our a labor contract,  and maybe we can all hammer out some kind of compromise.

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