
Robert G. Davis, PGM

On November 2 MW Brother Robert G. Davis, PGM Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma and not4ed Masonic author gave a keynote addressIn in Association with the William O. Ware Lodge of Research in Kentucky, The Rubicon Masonic Society.  The speech entitled “Its Time To Cross The Rubicon And Battle Our 20th Century Ruffians.”

Brother Davis’s speech is probably the best Masonic speech I have heard presented in a long time. Bob holds no punches and addresses the problem the Craft face and how it can be brought back to whence it came to ensure the Fraternity still exists in the next few years.

I don’t claim to be much of an orator and in no way can any of my writings compare to Davis but in one speech Bob puts into words what many of us have been preaching to the masses in the last few decades. You can watch the video here:

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