
Presidential elections have caused disharmony among Freemsons

Recent  presidential elections to elect the leader of the country have caused cracks within the ranks of the Freemasons.  Disharmony rules. Both sides have forgotten their obligations and have began to fight in the open over politics.  Sound familiar?

I’m sure many of you were think “Well Duh! We have been dealing with this for over two weeks.  This is old news.  Social media is a battlefield now.” If this is your thought read on.

Grand Master of The Grand Lodge of Côte d’Ivoire

According to an article published in The Africa Report  the country of Côte d’Ivoire  on the Ivory Coast recently held their election for president on October 31st.

The Grand Lodge of Côte d’Ivoire’s Grand Master Hamed Bakayoko was elected as Prime minister under President Alassane Ouattara who was elected to a third term.

According to the article Grand Master Bakayoko “dismissed” (I’m guessing suspended) supporters of the political party opposed to the president’s re-election.

The article also said:

The “Brothers of light” who preferred not to join the ranks of the presidential coalition – the Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP), of which Bakayoko is one of the vice-presidents – were dismissed.

Some were imprisoned, like Georges Philippe Ezaley, who was arrested on November 3 at the Cocody-Ambassades residence of former head of state Henri Konan Bédié.”

Brethren, As sad as this situation is  it reminds me how lucky we, as Masons and citizens of the United States are.  Our recent election may not have been perfect and as of this writing not been resolved but despite the verbal arguments among Brethren at lest we don’t have any of our members being imprisoned for er exercising their right to free speech and political beliefs.  And as so many Brothers on the internet say in posts on the internet write  “So mote it be”.

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