
Masonic book review: But I digress by James Tresner

There are so many Masonic authors, each one with their perspective and opinion.  As you progress on your Masonic journey you will discover (If you are lucky) several Masonic authors whose writings touch your very soul.  One of those for me is Brother James Tresner.


You can tell by reading the writings of Brother Tresner he was a brilliant, learned man.  His books discuss many aspects of Freemasonry, history, and the origins of native Americans.  Through the course of his life, Doctor Tresner Ph.D. became well known to Masonic scholars around the world and received nearly every honor Freemasonry could bestow upon his shoulders.  But despite all the accolades and notoriety, he was still that same humble boy from Enid, Oklahoma.


My favorite of all Jim’s works is the book “But I digress” which is a compilation of his short stories and published works from various sources.  It is an easy read.  Perfect for a quiet, rainy afternoon when you want a lighthearted book that will also make you think.  At the conclusion of the book, you will notice you were smiling the entire time you were reading it.


I think the reason “But I digress” touches my heart is because this book was written much like the style I think, and I write in.  Jim takes on many of the problems of Freemasonry with common sense and humor.  Even though his words may be humorous and come with a bit of sarcasm Jim lays out in plainspoken words the issue at hand and common sense ideas on how they can be fixed if any of us have enough courage to listen to his sage advice and act upon it.


I truly believe “But I digress” would be a perfect addition to any Mason’s Masonic library.  If you would like to learn more about this book or Brother Tresner’s other books check out this link: to purchase the book or for more information.


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