In a recent article, I illustrated how a Brother who is in pursuit of further Masonic light can receive it if he isn’t getting the proper instruction from his local Masonic lodge. Today I would like to provide more resources available to a Brother who might belong to an appendant order.
Although these borders are outside the Symbolic lodge room they are deeply rooted in the symbols and dogma of the Blue Lodge. While these bodies are not an alternative to attending your Masonic lodge the degrees practiced in these bodies can go a bit more in-depth in telling the story of the happenings and legends of King Solomons temple.
Here are a few resources that are offered by Masonic organizations.
The Master Craftsman Program Is a series of correspondence courses offered by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction
Course one Symbolic Lodge discusses the symbolism in the first three degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry. The textbook is Esoterika by Albert Pike reformatted by Brother Arturo De Hoyos.
Course two Scottish Rite History and ritual are made up of six lessons using Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor & Guide by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, and A Bridge to Light (4th ed.) by Rex Hutchens, 33°, Grand Cross, as its textbooks.
Corse Three Scottish Rite Philosophy consists of thirty-three individual quizzes studying the symbolism and moral lessons each of the Scottish Rite degrees in an in-dept study using Albert Pike’s Morals & Dogma, Annotated Edition, by Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross as its textbook. Graduates receive a certificate for each course and a lapel pin. Once a Brother completes all three courses satisfactory the Brother is presented with a special jewel.
College of the Consistory is a very in-depth program offered by The Valley of Guthrie Oklahoma AASR This course which is designed to help Scottish Rite members further understand the degrees in which they viewed to receive their membership.
The Hauts Grades Academy offered by Scottish Rite of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction is an online program offered to it’s members the courses which are divided into three seperate secions contain (According to their website)Level One – The candidate will delve into the ritual of all twenty-nine Scottish Rite, NMJ degrees
Level Two – The essay portion of the curriculum will allow for self-reflection and review of Scottish Rite degrees selected personally by the candidate.
Level Three – A written research paper on a topic of the candidate’s choice, which will be pre-approved and reviewed by the HGA committee. Research topics can vary between history, ritual, and the philosophy of the Scottish Rite.
A grraduateof all three secions receive a certificate and a special jewel and the honor of including the letters HGA after his name.
Companion Adept of the Temple For members of the York Rite The York Rite Soverign College of North America . The courses which were designed by Companion Robert Davis of Oklahoma deal with the symbolism from the Chapter, Council and Commandery degrees and orders and a final test on “York Rite Traditions and Freemasonry”. Upon completion of the program the graudatereceives a persoalized certificate of completion,
Although it is not a correspondece course The Scottish Rite Research Society is an excellence source of light to any Brother who is serious about Masonic eduation.
The benefits of membership which are listed on their website include:
- access to some of the most thought-provoking ideas in contemporary Masonic research
- a 10% discount on Society books and certain items bought at the House of the Temple or via the on-line Store
- the annual hardback volume of Heredom®, the preeminent publication of scholarly Masonic research
- the Society’s quarterly research journal, The Plumbline®
- early notice for upcoming conferences and meetings on issues of Masonic importance
- your SRRS membership card and lapel pin
SRRS Members may also receive:
- special discounted offers on advanced sales throughout the year
- a bonus book or other item
Honestly, just the books themeelves are worth the yearly dues, not to mention the newsletter and other benefits.
I’m sure I have missed some courses offered by Masonic bodies no matter which you choose I congratulate you on your pursuit of Further light.