
I’ll never get out of this world alive

My latst work I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive  has been published on the Midnight Freemasons website! I hope you will all check it out and share it to your friends and Brethren on social media.

This piece was kind of therapeutic for me.  Over the last year, especially the last few months, it seems a lot of my family and friends have been passing away at a greater number.  It has put me in a funk, a morbid funk which really put me into a depression.  Bringing back lots of memories, some good and some bad, and the realization I will never see these people again.  It has really caused me to fall into a deep depression.

It also caused me to do some major self reflection.  In addition to these peoples passing I have had been fighting several medical issues including trying to save my eyesight from complete blindness.  I ffinally realized I am not the immortal man I thought I was at 25.  Don’t get me wrong I am not planning on giving up or passing to the celetiallodge anytime soon but these experiences have made me begin to look deeper into what our Fraternity teaches us about the subject and start checking the squareness of my work on my nearly completged ashalr.

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