No man I have ever liked to admit he was wrong on a subject (Or even worse have his wife point out his errors) but I feel that this time I have no choice but to humble myself and admit it. I might have been wrong.
I feel the conclusions I jumped to this time I feel were well founded in two decades of experience wearing an apron inside a lodge room. But I will admit sometimes where there is smoke there might be fire.
Over the last twenty years, I have seen several progressive Freemasons toss him back into the profane world for their beliefs or even worse trying to implement them.
From MW Brother Frank Haas or the dark years of the issues inside The Grand Lodge of Arkansas Not to mention the recent happenings inside The Grand Lodge of Texas I was under the assumption that the forced resignation and expulsion of David Glattly Supreme Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite NMJ was just another example of a purple gang trying to keep Freemasonry firmly implanted in the 1950s. But recently I have encountered certain things that may be evidence that sometimes there is coming from the smoke.
Although we as members of the body have not been made privy to the actual evidence that was used to expel Glattly I have been told by several Brethren who I have known for years and trust without question that the charges leveled against Brother Glattly do have merit and should be considered to be credible.
All of this is hard for me. From the time of his installation as Commander, I have been a fan of Glattly. I truly thought he was going to elevate the Rite and make the body into a modern body for the 21st century. I can only help the new programs that have been instituted in the last few years will be kept and even improved upon.
In the end, I like almost everyone else have no inside information as to what happened. I can only hope that we as a Fraternity can put all of this madness behind us and continue to advance positively