Texas Governor Greg Abbott has began the process to slowly open the state of Texas and lift many of the restrictions on businesses and groups put in place to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus pandemic Grand Master of Texas Masons Paul D. Underwood has amended his previous edict to suspend Masonic labors within the jurisdiction of Texas issued in March of this year with certain precautions. Below is is the proclamation released by the Grand Lodge of Texas:
Grand Master’s Proclamation
On April 27, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott issued new orders to open the State of Texas through the “Open Texas” plan. The Governor’s Report to Open Texas can be found at
This plan is both a road map and guideline as to how various businesses and entities are to re-open. In light of this action, Texas Masonic Lodges are authorized to resume some activities by closely adhering to the following directives:
- Commencing May 25, 2020, Lodges may hold stated meetings for the primary purpose of election of Lodge officers for the ensuing year. In addition, Lodges can conduct regular business appropriate to a stated meeting.
- Lodges may not have called meetings until further proclamation from the Grand Master, other than one Lodge of Sorrow, or a called meeting for the purpose of installing officers.
- No degrees will be conducted until further proclamation from the Grand Master.
- No meals will be cooked or consumed at stated or called meetings at this time.
- Strict social distancing rules as established in Governor Abbott’s “Open Texas” will be followed, including the following:
- All Masons MUST keep a six-foot distance from other Masons.
- Masons are strongly urged, but are not required, to wear face masks;
- Lodges are encouraged to have hand sanitizer available at numerous places in the Lodge building;
- To maintain proper social distancing, Masons should not shake hands;
- Masons are encouraged to only attend their own Lodges, and not to visit other Lodges at this time;
- Lodges that meet quarterly may hold a stated meeting on or after May 25, 2020, and prior to June 24, 2020, for the purpose of electing Lodge officers and other business appropriate to a stated meeting.
- Most importantly, all Texas Masons are strongly encouraged NOT to attend Lodge if they
have any signs of illness or do not feel comfortable in attending. Masons must self-screen for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 before attending any Lodge meeting. Those individuals considered to be “at-risk”, including those who are 65 or older, and especially those with chronic lung disease; moderate to severe asthma; chronic heart disease; severe obesity; diabetes; chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis; liver disease; weakened immune system or other risk factors are encouraged not to attend Lodge. You are the sole decision-maker as to whether you should attend Lodge. There is nothing more important at this time than the health and well-being of our Texas Masons.
Further Proclamations will be issued when it is deemed both safe and prudent to do so while, at the same time, adhering to the directives of the State of Texas on re-opening.