
Grand Master of Texas announces virtual Grand communication plans

Grand Master of Texas Paul Underwood announced a plan to allow Texas Master Masons to attend the 2021 Grand communication from the comfort of their own home this next coming January.

Due to current measures in place because of the Covid-19 pandemic and required social distancing practices the Grand lodge hall in Waco cannot accommodate the large crowd  of delegates ad  spectators as it does in normal years.  So measures has been put in place to allow at risk brethren to view the communication and vote by electronic means virtually.

If you wish to participate in the session you are asked to have a computer, tablet or smartphone with you so you can view and vote virtually.  You will even be able to participate in debates over legislation.

The Grand Master also stated in the video the only part of the communication which will not be televised will be the ritualistic opening ad closing of the Grand lodge.

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