
Grand Master of Arkansas issues edicts on Covid-19

MW Grand Master Ronnie Frizzell.

On Saturday, August 14th The Grand Master of Arkansas,MW Grand Master Ronnie Frizzell.  issued new edicts regarding the recent reemergence of Covid-19 in his jurisdiction.

Edict #3 deals with the recent outbreak of Covid in Arkansas.  Edict #4 clarifies some points of Edict #3. The points of Edict #3 are

  1. Masks will be worn by ALL attending ANY Masonic function. No Exceptions.
  2. Those who are not vaccinated are highly encouraged to be vaccinated.
  3. If you are not vaccinated, please think of your brothers and do not attend ANY Masonic functions including meetings and degrees.
  4. Do not attend if you are sick or have symptoms of Covid. Get tested.
  5. Do not attend if you are waiting on the results of a Covid test.
  6. If you have tested positive do not attend until at least 48 hours following a negative test.

Continue practicing other preventative measures as outlined by the Arkansas Health Department.

You can read the edicts here:Edict #3 Edict 4




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