The old saw “We’ve never done it this way before” has been tossed aside (At least temporarily). The General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons International has decided to forgo their nonperson triennial meeting scheduled for September in Louisville, Kentucky and replace it with a virtual online session.
In a statement released on July 1st in order to safeguard the lives of their companions, their families and friends it seemed to be in the best interest of everyone to hold a virtual meeting instead of meeting in person. The average age of the membership attending such an event being over the age or sixty years old, that even with masks, social distancing and personal protective equipment could not guarantee the safety of everyone attending.
The triennial is usually a joint venture between the Cryptic Masons and the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. After s several meetings between the two bodies and the Triennial committee an agreement could not be reached in how to hold a joint session in 2020. The General Grand Council wanted a virtual session while the General Grand Chapter wished to carry on with an in person meeting.
The General Grand Council is requesting if are a voting member and you plan on attending the General Grand Chapter meeting in person to bring your laptop or other electronic device so you can attend the Grand Council session virtually. The business at the virtual session will be limited to the 2020-2023 budget and the VIRTUAL election of officers and installation of officers for 2020-2023. They hope to hold over any new business until 2021 when (fingers crossed) the body can meet again unperson. The body is in talks with the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar to hold a special session with them at their triennial in Minneapolis in 2021.
If you wish to download a PDF of this statement click here.