
Charity appeal from the Shrines Imperial Potentate

From an email from the Shrine’s Imperial Potentate:
Dear Fellow Nobles,
As you are probably aware, Hurricane Florence recently hit North Carolina and the surrounding states resulting in 36 deaths, widespread flooding and massive damage to homes and businesses. There is an immediate need to assist Masons and their families as the result of this storm.
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina placed an appeal through the Masonic Service Association of North America (MSA) for disaster relief. In response, the MSA established a disaster relief fund for North Carolina, with all donations received to be transferred directly to the Grand Lodge of North Carolina for distribution to those in need. You and I remember the obligation we share related to relief of a distressed worthy brother. However, I hope you will contribute to this relief effort more as a result of brotherly love than from a sense of duty. The way you and I respond to the needs of our brothers and their families defines what we believe “fraternity” means.
I called the Grand Master of North Carolina and expressed our concerns about the well-being of North Carolina Masons and pledged to work cooperatively with him in supporting his efforts to bring relief to those in need. Please donate generously today.
How to help Masons and Nobles affected by the hurricane:
Make a check payable to “MSA Disaster Relief Fund” and send them to:
Masonic Service Association
3905 National Drive, Suite 280
Burtonsville, MD 20866
Please write on the memo portion of the check, “North Carolina Disaster Appeal”.
Contributions to Masonic Service Association of North America are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Sudan Shriners temple of New Bern, North Carolina took a direct hit from Hurricane Florence and experienced severe flooding and major damage to its building. They are currently working with restoration crews, contractors and their insurance company and have moved temporarily to another location. Sudan Shriners are not currently operating but are working hard to get back on their feet. The photos below show some of the damage that Sudan Shriners experienced.
Shriners International leadership remains in contact with the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and the Potentates of the temples impacted by the storm and asks that you please keep your fellow brothers and nobles in your thoughts and prayers.
Yours in the faith,
Jim Cain
Imperial Potentate

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