Bill Hosler, PM was raised as a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He served as Worshipful Master of Three Rivers lodge in 2007. In 2006 Bill became a member of the internet committee for The Grand Lodge of Indiana.
Bill is currently a member of Calvin W.Prather Lodge #717 in Indianapolis, Indiana, Ardmore Lodge #31 in Ardmore, Oklahoma. and Lebanon Lodge No. 837 in Frisco, Texas. Bill is also a 32° Mason of the Scottish Rite in The Valley of Guthrie, Oklahoma in the Southern Jurisdiction and a member of The Valley of Indianapolis, Indiana within the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He also holds a membership with India Shrine in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
A typical active Freemason, Bill also served as the High Priest of Fort Wayne’s Chapter of the York Rite No. 19 and was commander of the Fort Wayne Commandery No. 4 of the Knight Templar. During all this, he also served as the webmaster, magazine editor and a member of the public relations committee for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana.
Bill is a founding member of the Masonic Society he also holds membership in the Dwight L Smith Lodge of Research in Indiana, Oklahoma Lodge of Research, The Missouri Lodge of Research
and the Texas Lodge of Research. His writings have been published in the Working tools magazine and is currently a Regular Contributor for The Midnight Freemasons