
A due and timely notice.

I just received an email from the office of the Grand Secretary for The Grand Lodge of Oklahoma. The Brethren of this jurisdiction are receiving scam emails from someone portraying them to be their lodge’s Worshipful Master. I am not sure if this is something that is happening to other Grand Jurisdictions besides Oklahoma but I wanted to get the message out as a warning to other Brethren in case this scam is more widespread.

Brother Christopher, Oklahoma’s Grand Secretary wrote:

A typical email Chain will start somethng like the following:

Hello, Are you less busy at the moment? I got a request for you to manage discreetly. I will be going into a meeting shortly, please no calls so kindly respond back via email.


Worshipful Master.

If you respond, then:

Thanks! Here’s what I want you to do for me because i’m a little busy right now. I have been working on incentives and I aimed at surprising some of our diligent members with gift cards. I will reimburse you. This should be confidential until they all have the gift cards as it’s a surprise and you will keep one for yourself too.
Can you get this done?

Worshipful Master

If you respond again:

I will be glad if you can get them now. I need 6 qty of Visa or Amazon gift cards worth $100 value on each (total $600). You should get them at any local stores around you now. After you get them, I need you to remove each card from the pack and scratch the back then take a clear picture of the front and back of each card and receipt then send them to me on here in my email so I can easily get them sent to each member myself. Please keep the physical cards for reference. Let me know when you are on your way to the store. Thank you

Worshipful Master


If you receive an demail loke this DON’T REPLY OPR SEND MONEY! I would suggest you forward the email to your Grand lodge’s office and delete it.


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