
Masonic tour of England and Scotland

Fellow Midnight Freemasons Todd Creason and Greg Knott have been asked by the board of The Masonic Society to organize a Masonic tour of Scotland and London.  

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The trip which will take place Sept. 12 – 22 and will include visits to (and attending meeting in) The Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh and within the Great Queen Street building of the United Grand Lodge of England in London (You will need to be able to produce documents before these meetings to prove your membership and current status, these should be procured in advance) Other attractions will include Rosslyn Chapel, Edinburgh Castle, Blenheim Palace, the birth place of Winston Churchill.

The cost of the trip is  $4479 and includes airfare, hotel and transportation.  For more information and a full itinerary visit the trip’s website  This is the trip of the lifetime for any Freemason!

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